Papaya is one the best fruit for incorporating in your skincare regime because it has an enzyme called papain that is responsible for skin whitening, reducing unwanted hair, exfoliating dead skin, repairing aging skin etc. This papain enzyme is present in maximum concentration just under the peel of unripe papaya. Therefore, for the maximum benefit of papaya for your skin use the peel rather than the pulp of this fruit. Papaya is also a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, pantothenic acid, folate, magnesium and potassium. It also helps keep your skin hydrated. If you want glowing skin, use papaya-honey mask (I also add a bit of turmeric to mine). Mash half a papaya and mix it with three spoons of honey to make a smooth paste. People with sensitive or dry skin should use the pulp part of the ripe papaya because the green papaya also has a higher concentration of latex in addition to papain that might increase the chances of allergy or irritation. Always consult your personal physician.
Papaya is also said to help manage weight and high blood pressure and even help prevent diabetes and digestion. So do your research and eat up!!!!