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Marie's Soapery


1. Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds in lukewarm water. Use soap, and wash every part of your hands, including between your fingers and around your nails.

2. Apply a pea-sized amount of hand cream or ointment into your skin, making sure you work some of the moisturizer into your fingertips and nails.

3. When you use hand sanitizer, apply your hand cream or ointment immediately after the hand sanitizer dries. Because the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol to kill germs, hand sanitizer can be very drying.

4. Get your health information from a trustworthy source. When it comes to health information, it’s essential to get accurate and reliable information, such as from your doctor, websites reviewed by doctors, and the CDC.

5. Reduce the spread, stay home if you can. Wear a mask if you can't. Follow the guidelines, use your best judgment. Get tested if you have symptoms.

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