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Bathe like Bathsheba — Exfoliation

Bathsheba was typically depicted bathing with her creamy, porcelain skin. It was during such a moment that King David, Israel's greatest monarch, first noticed her. David was only thinking of the fate of his soldiers when he glanced down from his perch and saw Bathsheba washing within the walls of an open courtyard. The curves of her naked body shimmering in the moonlight aroused his desire for her.

Egyptian royalty used loofahs and pumice stones to smooth away roughness, while Cleopatra, the last queen of Egypt, is said to have bathed in mare's milk. The lactic acid in the milk proteins — recognised today as an alpha hydroxy acid — functioned as a chemical exfoliant.

Principles of daily skincare and many ingredients used — from milk to honey — are remarkably similar to what a woman like Bathsheba would have incorporated into her beauty regimen. Try Lundie Mae's Honey as part of your skin care regimen!!!

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